8 Nisan 2020 Çarşamba

Natal pluto opposition transiting Uranus

Natal pluto opposition transiting Uranus.
The frequency of a transit opposition decides how important it is in your life. Pluto causes big and lasting changes, so great importance must be attributed to this aspect in Astrology.

Let's start with mentioning the best-known characteristics of the planets involved.
Uranus represents sudden shocks, electromagnetic waves, rebellion, individuality, innovation, technological advances. Uranus is moving very slowly so the energy produced here will be long lasting. It spends 7 years in one sign so let's take it seriously!

Natal pluto energy rules our inner transformations, unconscious mind, our secrets, taboos, inner power for survival, paranoia, crisis, being born from ashes for better.
When pluto touches a planet, there is a feeling of insecurity and loss of power. This happens because Pluto is the one that uses the resources hidden in our soul, that are not seen by others and even not perceived by the person himself. He is the master of the underworld who has the power to bring things out from there or bury what is above.

When two planets are in opposition ( which is the case here) they are both in signs compatible in nature, so there is some kind of harmony in oppositions though never an equilibrium. It’s a process of getting feedback from the other side by reacting. Sometimes this reaction can be too intense thus creating tensions. The measure of reaction given by one planet is decided by the measure of the feedback given by opposing planet. Since there is never a perfectly controlled feedback, there is always tension from overreaction. 

The interaction may be such that the transit Uranus telling Pluto to be more individual and rebellious, out-of-box. Plutos’ response will be taking it to his underworld. A suppressed and buried individuality may make one feel weak for a while. When Pluto touches a planet, there is a feeling of loss of power. Anyways, that is not where it ends because a healing process is underway in the underworld. A transformation process will be ongoing down there. That means important changes are expected in the long run.

Whatever happens, it's done shockingly fast by Uranus. So there is a high frequency signal running between them. That makes it a very tense relationship. 
Like most of the opposition aspects, this aspect brings awareness. It raises the awareness that we have towards what the other planet represents. What the planet on the other side represents is also confronted through relationships.

Well, without getting lost in details now let's take into account the signs where both planets are in. That's the only way to precisely explain the nature of the final energy.

Uranus in Taurus will follow Taurus ways to empower individuality. Taurus loves material safety, is ruled by Venus the planet of love and seduction, diplomacy and compromise. Taurus is fixed sign like scorpio. So, both are fixed signs not showing much flexibility.
Uranus in Taurus will look for innovative ways to find material safety and enjoy the material life. For ex one may invest in innovative financial assets like digital money.
When this combination is under too much tension (which is the case now) it might cause excess of rebellious attitude towards the existing values and authority. The individual might feel insecure because he tries to leave his old habitudes but he can't find new ones. That would be great if there were beneficial aspects from other planets!

In the meantime, below is how a Pluto-Uranus opposition looks like..

Now let's talk about Pluto. 
Natal Pluto is at home in Scorpio so the influence is heightened. This combination supplies big energy to transform our innerselves. It gives easy access to the tools hidden and power available in the depths of our soul. When we reach the depths of our soul and find our wounds, it’s much easier to heal them or transform them. 
On the other side, one can reach the depths of souls of others to heal them or transform them. Pluto in Scorpio supplies us the power to reveal secrets hidden out there for a long time.

When Pluto is under tension, there might be excess energy that directs the person to go deeper and deeper and get lost. We might want to control others too much or try to change them. We might use the power not for the good but for the evil.

First of all, the person under this influence will be aware of both energies. There will be push and pull between the two forces with constant need for a balance though it can never reach equilibrium. One side will be emphasized more while the other side will manifest itself in relationships. 

Both planets will surely bring change. Pluto transformation is going on in the underworld (unconscious mind)
Uranus is shockingly sudden like lightning!
It’s likely that Uranus is pushed to a more rebellious attitude while Pluto is pushed to a more controlling and aggressive behaviour.
We will be searching for an equilibrium during this period helping us to grow and transform our soul.

Well, let's look at it from a different perspective.
There must also be an exchange between the two which is what happens in oppositions. 
The two planets must be negotiating to reach a deal.
Uranus in Taurus energy will offer something in the negotiation. 
It's going to ask Pluto in Scorpio to change the way how we look into ourselves and how we use our power. It will ask to revolutionize the way the king of the underworld rules.
On the other side, Pluto in Scorpio will ask Uranus to rise up against authority or innovate using the tools hidden in our deep selves. So, it’s likely that the power of Pluto can be used for change. The change might happen in finances or values associated with Taurus.

If Pluto energy goes too far, Uranus will end up frustrated and negative energy will surge. The negative side of Taurus is its resistance to change, dependency on others, too much jealousy and extreme dependency on material world. Simply, the revolution is not that easy under tension and Uranus might not execute it properly when there is too much water. Too much water will kill the plants or make a flood!

We know that when we negotiate it’s all about bringing the other side closer to our position.
First of all, one must have the inner resources and power to bring change! Nothing important will happen where there is nothing worthy in your underworld! And we are intelligent beings able to listen to our deep souls where the negotiation is ongoing nonstop!

We can try to ignore one of these two energies but can’t avoid them to penetrate to our lives somehow. If we ignore, Uranus energy will manifest itself through other people who will touch our soul. 

The stars surround us and fill us with magic. Once we understand the magic, we become the magicians. Knowing astrology is like going to beach with a beach towel!

Thank you for reading!


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